Friday, September 21, 2007

Yes I Have a Brain

I blogged earlier about the headaches I have had, and my experience getting an MRI. Well, my doctor called last night and the MRI shows I do in fact have a brain (shocking I know), and more importantly that nothing serious is going on. She said they could see some "old spots" where I have had concussions before (not surprising since I wrestled and played football), but nothing she is concerned about. So praise God for that. So far I've had three mornings without waking up to that sharp stabbing pain I had before. The predisone prescription has had some delightful side effects with irritability and insomnia, so I'll looking forward to coming off of that.

So the official diagnosis is cluster headaches, and my doctor is giving me some new medication samples to try out if it comes back. If this turns into a chronic thing we'll discuss other treatment options, and I'll look into other alternative stuff like chiropractors, nutritional supplements and medicinal marijuana (oops did I just let that slip out... my bad! Just kidding!).

Thank you for all of you who have been praying, I really appreciate it!

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Shane Vander Hart said...

My brother kindly reminded me that I forgot to mention the times he beat me upside the head. He then remembered that he kept to more body blows to hide the evidence.

Shane Vander Hart said...

I'd be interested. Another person in my church gave me the name of a guy up in Ankeny as well.

My brother-in-law said to me tonight on the phone - "so I heard they looked at your MRI and didn't find anything." He is soooooo funny.

Shane Vander Hart said...

Please thank Chad for me. I appreciate the tip.